Clarity of Mind for Young Adults through Mindfulness
On November 20th, 2020  at 8:30 PM

Samadhi Buddhist Foundation cordially invites all young adults in North America to join monthly zoom session on "Clarity of Mind for Young Adults through Mindfulness" conducted by Venerable Panadure Chandarathana Thero, the Deputy Abott of Nissarana Vanaya, Meethirigala, Sri Lanka.

Audience : Young Adults (age of 16yrs & up)

Medium : English

Date : Friday, November 20 at 8:30PM ET

How to join : Register at

Once the participant registers with their contact info, will receive an email with the link to join.

Frequency : Monthly (Last Friday of the month)

Next session : Friday, December 18 at 8:30PM ET (Due to Christmas holidays)

Organized by : Samadhi Buddhist Foundation, NJ USA




Samadhi Buddhist Foundation