Magazine focused on "Sri Lanka".

Every child will have the opportunity to submit at least one article/essay, drawing or other creative work.
Suggested areas are:
•    Sinhala/English essays about Sri Lankan Events (Independence, Awurudu, Religious Celebrations) and their history.
•    Sinhala/English creative writing (short stories, poetry etc) with some focus on Sri Lankan culture and history
•    Artwork (drawings, paintings, hand-writing/calligraphy) related to Sri Lankan culture and history
We will also accept printable creative work from our children on other subjects as well. These include (but not limited to) Sinhala/English writing and artwork (drawings, paintings, calligraphy/hand-writing).

Parents may write news articles about
•    Sri Lankan events in NY/NJ area
•    Their children's accomplishments at school, local, state level.
Such news items should accompany at least one photograph.

•    Please make sure your child displays his/her talents on A4 size paper and limits the work to 1 or 2 pages.
•    Articles/Essays should not exceed 700 words. Ideal would be 300-400 words.

•    Submit child's passport photo with hobbies, ambitions.
•    In the back write Child's name/age, Parent's name/email/phone, Parent's mailing address
•    Please submit on or before deadline(mentiond in email). You may either:
Mail completed work to :
Or email a digital copy (Articles in MS Word format, artwork in JPG format) to
Electronic submissions are preferred.
You may help your child within reason to get the best out of them!
The editors reserve the right to edit or reject submissions.

THEMES (ok to deviate)
201203 Edition - Independence
201204 Edition - New Year
201209 Edition - Summer Vacation/SL artists



Download 201406 Vesak Edition
Download 201305 Vesak Edition
Download 201305 Hero Edition
Download 201203 Edition
Download 201204 Edition
Download 201212 Edition


Samadhi Buddhist Foundation